One of Great Britain’s greatest architects in the 18th century was Robert Adam. At a time when Split was under the rule of the Venetian Republic, Adam traveled across Dalmatia, and came to Split in 1757. He was thrilled with Diocletian’s palace, and began studying it, so it was upon his return to London that he published the book titled ‘Ruins of the palace of Emperor Diocletian, in Split, Dalmatia’. It was a scientific paper in which Adam reconstructed and painted a rich picture of everything he had encountered. Alongside the wealth of information and sketches, the book is of immeasurable value for historians and art history studies.

It is interesting to note that the book, with its limited print run, list subscribers from England and abroad, and that Adam addresses King George III in his foreword.[1]



Adam 1

Adam 2                    Adam 3

From Robert Adam’s book from 1764 (author’s family collection)


Robert Adam had an estate inspired by Diocletian’s palace built in London, however, it was later demolished. As a result of the great city of London have a structure copied from Split built in it, the following phrase came about: Ča je pusta Londra, kontra Splitu gradu (What good is all of London, compared to Split).

News of Adam’s building at Adelphi Terrace being demolished was published in Split’s Novo doba (New age) in 1936. They quoted the London Times and said ‘not only is a building being demolished, but so is the beautiful artistic bond between Split and London, which will be very difficult to replace. Those that seek to do so have taken a heavy responsibility upon their shoulders’.


Palača London

London, Adelphi Terrace, Robert Adam’s building inspired by Diocletian’s Palace[2]


[1] Adam, Robert. 1764. Ruins of the Palace of the Emperor Diocletian at Spalatro in Dalmatia. London. (in the ownership of the author’s family, Bezić-Roje, Split)



[2] Novo doba - New Age, Feb 1st, 1936; no. 26, pg. 9.