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Journal of Croatian Studies, XXVIII-XXIX, 1987-88 – Annual Review of the Croatian Academy of America, Inc. New York, N.Y., Electronic edition by Studia Croatica, by permission. All rights reserved by the Croatian Academy of America.

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Born in Novi Vindolski, Croatia, March 26, 1859, died in Berlin, 1928. A man of restless and adventurous spirit, he changed professions and locations, which caused various rumors and legends in his native country. He first studied technology in Prague, but abandoned it to pursue a military career in which he achieved the rank of captain (1900). After the First World War he resided abroad until his death.


His book of prose poems is: LIŠĆE [Leaves].





Čto ja budu dumat' togda, kogda mnje

 pridetsja umirat' — jesli ja toljko budu

 v sostojaniji togda dumat'?


— Turgenjev, Stihotvorenija v prozje


Bilo mi je osam godina, kad se je novljanska luka gradila.

U toj dobi znade većina primorske djece plivati, — ja još nisam znao.


Igrajuć se po luci, padnem u more. Potonem. — Voda me digne. Vidim na zidu, vrh sebe, djece. - - Pružam ruke, — Hoću da vičem, - - ne mogu! Gutam more, tonem - - Izgubljen sam!


Taj tren proletih sav svoj život. Svi grijesi mladanog vijeka došli mi na pamet: slador sam uzimao, brata tukao, lagao, na voću bio - - - Zadnja misao mi bijaše: "Idem u pakao!" — te se onesvijestih - -


Izvukoše me, — a čemu?






Čto ja budu dunat' togda, kogda mnje

pridetsja umirat' — jesli ja toljko budu

v sostojaniji togda dumat'?


— Turgenjev, Stihotvorenija v prozje


I was eight years old when they built the port in Novi. At that age most children know how to swim — I didn't know how yet.


While playing about the harbor I fell into the sea. I sank. The water buoyed me up. I saw the children above me on the wall. — I extended my hands, — tried to shout, — I couldn't! I was swallowing sea water, — I was sinking, — I was lost! In that instant I flew through my entire life. All the sins of my young life appeared again before me: I was stealing sugar, I was beating my brother, I was lying, I was climbing the fruit tree — My last thought was: "I was descending into Hell!" — and I lost consciousness. They got me out — and for what?






Čudili se, što još hrvatski znadem, premda sam već toliko godina od kuće. — Pa kako to, da nisi zaboravio?


— A kako bili?! Ako i ne govorim hrvatski, to ipak hrvatski snivam, — a snivam vrlo testo ...

Bog zna, hoće li se ti moji hrvatski sni ikad obistiniti!?






They were surprised that I still know Croatian though now so many years absent from my native land. — How is it that you didn't forget?


— How could I? Though I don't converse in Croatian, yet I dream in Croatian, — and I dream very often ...


God knows whether these Croatian dreams will ever become reality.




(Dru. Zdravku)


"Sto tražiš kod nas?" zapita me sin pustinje, kad smo napajali konje.


"Slobodu!" odgovorim, jer je sloboda beduinu sveta.


A mogao sam mu reći:


"Tražim štap, na koji bih se mogao upirati, i miran šator, da poćinem!


Tražim izvor vode, koja bi mogla ugasiti žeđu moju, i komad hljeba, da utažim glad duše svoje!


Tražim pećinu, u kojoj bih se poput Davida pred neprijateljem svojim sakriti mogao, i luku, da od oluje utećem!


Tražim ljude, koji ne sramote imena ljudskog, i Boga, u kojega bih mogao vjerovati!


Tražim brijeg, s kojega bih mogao vidjeti zemlju obećanu, i grudu zemlje, da pokrije jadne kosti moje!


Tražim, tražim, a uzalud tražim! ..."






(To Doctor Zdravko)


"What do you seek here among us?" the son of the desert asked me as we were watering our horses.


"Liberty!" I replied, for liberty is sacred to the Bedouin.


And I also could have said to him "I look for a cane to lean upon, and a quiet tent in which to rest!"


I look for a source of water which would quench my thirst, and for a piece of bread which would satisfy the hunger of my soul!


I seek a cave in which I could hide, as did David, from my enemies, and a port to escape the storm.


I look for people who don' dishonour the name of mankind, and for a God in whom I could believe!


I seek a hill from which I could see the Promised Land, for a clod of earth that would cover my poor bones!


I seek, seek, and I seek in vain!"






"Kako ti je?" — pitam sjedoglavog onog starca na obali morskoj.

"Nikako!" odgovori mi on. "Čekam smrt!"

"Zar te ne veseli život?"


"A želja?"

"Ne želim ništa!"

"Ništa? Zar zbilja ništa, pa ni samog povratka mladosti svoje?" "Ne! - - Mladost mi otrovaše, a sada mi starost truju!" "A da se još jedamput rodiš?"

"Ne dao Bog!"

"Da ti se je ipak još jednom roditi, što bi želio biti?" "Kamen u dubini morskoj! ..."





"How are you?", I asked the grey-haired old man on the seashore. "Nohow!", he replied. "I await death!"

"Don't you enjoy life?"


"Doesn't hope console you?"


"And desire?"

"I desire nothing!"

"Not anything?, really anything, not even the return of your youth?"

"No! They poisoned my youth and they are poisoning my old age now!"

"And if you could be born again?"

"God forbid!"

"And if you would be born again, what would you like to be?" "A stone in the depths of the sea! ... "







Born in the historical city of Senj on the Adriatic Sea, died in Sarajevo. Kranjčević is one of the most significant poets of all time in Croatian literature. "Like all the great poets, Kranjčević was also the culmination of the expression and attitude of an entire tradition, while at the same time an originator of the new poetry. Though after his death poetry went in other directions, time proved that Kranjčević was not the only poet of his generation, but the first Croatian lyrical who, with his best creations has resisted time, was fresh and present half a century after his death."


— Ivo Frangeš


His books of prose poems is: PJESNIČKA PROZA [Poetical Prose], (Zagreb, 1912).





Hoću da vam ispričam jednu pripoviječicu. To je zgoda iz života neke krave. Ona je teško gazila jesenskim blatom o povodcu. Kraj nje gazio je seljak. Pazarni je dan i on ju je vodio na prodaju. Pred njima stupalo momče — sve troje išlo je zbijeno i složno, kao navikli na zajednički korak. I bio bih prošao kraj preobične slike, tek nešto svijetlo i mutno, kao što je boja u jesenskog popodneva, zapliva pred mojim očima. Bijaše to oko u one krave. I ja ga ne mogu zaboraviti.


Ona je podigla crnu gubicu uvis, koliko je samo mogla od konopa i debela dlakava lakta seljakova. Pogledom punim želje i bola gledala je teško gazeći ulicom u lijepo žućkasto tele, što ga je nosilo ono momče pred njom na krkači. Upravo nije ništa drugo ni gledala. A bihaše taj pogled nalik na pogled u djeteta, kad upire oči u svijećama obasjani kip i na onu ukočenu staklenu bjeločicu u očajnika, kad, bespomoćan, i ne umije drugo, već da bulji u prazno.


Ja sam udivljen gledao u tu pazarnu povorku, koja je baš zaokretala na trg, gdje se pregleda blago po zvanitnim organima.


Tu nad uglom bušio je radnik rupu za izolatore. U taj tas omaknu se čekić, odbi se od zida i oštrom vertikalom lupi o gubicu

one krave.


Ona tek što je stresla glavom. Mlaz krvi potete joj niz nosnice, no ona ni da bi trenula okom. Seljak stao da krupno ruži, da zove redara ... A krvava životinja gledaše sved nepomično, toplo i željno u svoje lijepo žućkasto tele ...


Mene stegnu nešto suho u grlu. I ja, koji sâm znam, da bih testo oskvrnuo značenje pozdrava, kad bih skinuo šešir pred mnogim sjajnim licem, ja ostadoh manji od makova zrna, a ruka mi instinktivno segnu za šeširom pred pogledom one ranjene krave.


Sigurno sam u taj čas odao poštovanje jednoj iskri, što se otkinu od velikog ognjišta ljubavi, nečemu, što izlazi iz beskrajne svemirske duše i što se bez skvrni razlijeva tešče iz životinjskog negoli iz ljudkoga oka!





I would like to relate to you a little tale. It is an experience from the life of a certain cow. She was struggling with difficulty through the autumn mud, led on a halter. Along beside her walked a peasant. It was market day and the peasant was taking his cow to sell her. In front of them strode a young boy, all three walking closely together, already accustomed to their common pace. And I would have disregarded this commonplace scene had something not begun to flicker before my eyes, brightly and gloomily as an afternoon light. At first it was large, like an aureole, then smaller and smaller. Thereupon I noticed that this semi-light shrank and become fixed in something determined. It was the eye of that cow. And I cannot forget it.


She raised her black snout as far as the rope and the peasant's far hairy elbow would allow. With a look filled with desire and pain she was gazing at the beautiful yellowish calf which the boy in front of her carried on his shoulders. Indeed, she looked at nothing else. And this look was similar to the look of a child at a candle-illumined statue or the eyeball of the madman, who, helpless and unable to do else gazes into emptiness.


I was looking, astonished, at this cattle-market procession which was just now turning into the square where the officers inspect the cattle.


There, on the corner of that square, a workman was drilling a hole to install the isolators. Just at that moment his hammer slipped from his hand, glanced off the wall, and with a sharp vertical stroke hit the cow's snout.


She only shook her head. A spurt of blood gushed from her nostrils, but she didn't once blink an eye. The peasant cursed and called a policeman. The bloody animal gazed fixedly, warmly and eagerly at her beautiful yellow calf.


I felt a lump in my throat. And I, the only one to know, that I profaned the significance of taking off my hat before nobility, became smaller than the poppy seed* as my hand instinctively reached for my hat, facing the look of that injured cow.


Certainly at that moment I was expressing my respect for that one spark of love which leapt from the great hearth of love which comes from the infinite cosmic soul that overflows blamelessly more frequently from the animal than from the human eye.


* An allusion to the colloquial Croatian phrase implying humility, submission, etc.






Born in Volosko (Istria, Croatia), died in Split. During the Second World War he was arrested as a Croatian patriot by the Italian occupying authorities in Split and sent to an Italian concentration camp. Book of prose poems: INJE [Hoarfrost] 1902.





Iz daleka, tamo preko mora, sa žarkoga juga, vraćaju se vjesnice proljeća, mile lastavice. Na čete, na buljuke dolaze natrag u rodnu domovinu, da pretraže svoja stara gnijezda pod strehom, u pojatama, u seoskim kućaricama. Veselo pozdravljaju svoj stari kraj, svoja stara udobna staništa, ta ćute zrak drage rođene grude. Kad su lani polazile u svijet, nekud su veselo ostavljale rodni dom, ko da će tamo preko mora nad silnu sreću, velju blagodat. Pa? Bit će sigurno, da su prokuburile zimu, i da su prevarile u svojim sancima, jer kruže upravo nekud radosno gori po zraku pod veselim pramaljetnim suncem ... Vraćaju se lastavice ... a dolje na ogromnu parnjaču stupaju veselo ijučući ljudi mrka obličja i patnička dela. Ostavljaju dom i rođeni kraj, svoje mile i drage, i oni polaze preko mora, da potraže sreću. U rastrganoj domovini ne nalaze ju, jer su slijepi. Da se ne vrate i oni razočarani poput lastavica, al samo da im ne odnesu međutim tuđinci i stara gnijezda!





From far abroad, from across the sea, from the glowing south, the messengers of spring, the beloved swallows are returning. They are returning in flocks, in a multitude, to their native land to search for their old nests under the eaves, in the wood sheds, in the cottages, greeting their old country with cheer, their comfortable dwellings, whilst they bask in the air of their beloved native soil. When they were leaving for the world they were somehow leaving their homeland with joy expecting to find across the sea a vast for-tune and great blessings. But what? It must have been that they endured a hard winter and became disappointed and discouraged in their longings; for now they are cheerfully revolving in the skies under the spring sun ... The swallows return ... and down sullen men with suffering brow tread embark a large steamship shouting of joy. They are leaving their home, their native land, the dear and beloved ones, and they depart across the sea to seek their fortune. This they cannot find in their torn country because they are blind. Pray that they, too, will not return in disappointment like the swallows, and that in the meanwhile the foreign strangers do not take away their old nests!





Vjetrom se pobratiše, olujom se posestriše. Rastvorenih krila ćas lete živo nad površinom pučine i krila im se dotiću mora, ćas opet sneno u visini lebde nad valovima, Čudnim, neponjatnim cijukom pozdravljaju more i sunce. Draga im je sinja, otvorena pučina daleko od kraja, jer ne ljube žala, gdje vlada bimba i spletka, gdje mržnja zagušuje ljubav. Na hridinama izdubljenim od morske vode, il na osamljenim žalima, tamo su im staništa. Tamo uživaju pod vedrim nebom u čistom zraku, protkanom mirisom alga, rulja i kuša, zlatnu slobodu. Nad ležajem gdjegod na litici pjeva im stijenjak pjesmu ljubavi i mira. Nijesu plašljivci. Prkose i najvećoj oluji, najgordijoj vjetrini, najbjesnijim valovima. Utjeha su mornarima — lepetom krila zanose im maštu u rodne krajeve, u tihe kućarice, što se bjelasaju na žalu, gdje ih ćeka vjerna žena uz dječicu. Nad srušenim jamborima, slomlenim križevljem pjevaju oni utopljenicima zadnje opijelo. Umiru i oni, al u divskoj borbi s velebnim morem i silnom vjetrinom pod slobodnim olujnim nebom. I kad se more smiri, kad se vjetrina stiša, plače ih tmurno nebo nehinjenim suzama.





They became the wind's brothers; the hurricane is their sister. With wings spread now again and again they soar over the surface of the high seas, while again and once more their wings touch the waves as they hang suspended over the sea. With an incomprehensible cry they salute the sea and the sun. The blue high open seas far from the coast are dear to them, for they scorn the shore where hypocrisy and intrigue reign, where hate suffocates love. Their lodgings are upon the cliffs eroded by the sea or upon isolated shores. Above, under a bright serene sky in the pure air, they enjoy golden liberty, interwoven with the aroma of algae and sages. Over their nests there in the crags, at times the thrush serenades them with the song of love and peace. They are not afraid. They challenge the most violent tempest, the most furious whirlwind, the largest roaring waves. The seagulls are a comfort to the seamen — the fluttering of their wings carries their fantasy to the native regions and into the quiet little huts which glisten on the shore where the faithful wife and children await them. Over demolished masts the seagulls sing the last requiem to the drowning. They also die, put in a gigantic struggle against the magnificent sea and mighty whirlwind under the free tempestuous sky. And when the sea again calms and the furious wind abates the gloomy sky sheds its tears for the dead gulls.






Poet, essayist, and author of short stories, Antun Gustav Matoš is perhaps the most significant name in Croatian literature at the threshold of the 20th century, and a most influential author of modern Croatian writing.


His books of short stories, which include a number of prose poems, are: IVERJE [Fragments] 1899, NOVO IVERJE [New fragments] 1900, and UMORNE PRIČE [Weary Stories] 1909.






Lacku Paviću


Ja volim tužnu sjenu, uspavano svijetlo: svijetlo, što sniva o noći. Ja volim sjenu, bliznicu toplog sunca i hladnog mjeseca. Ja volim sjenu, vječnu moju posestrimu i pratilicu, što spava kraj mene i hoda kraj mene, tamna moja slika i karikatura. Da, ja volim sjenu, žutu, sivu, crnu, žalosnu i kao smrt tihu sjenu.


Sve, sve je sjena. Svijet je sjena. I sunce je sjena mističnog sunca. I život je sjena tajnovitog života. Sjena je kolijevka. Sjena je grob. Kad ne bijah, bijah sjena. Kada me ne bude, bit ću sjena. Ja sam sjena od onoga, što bijah, i od onoga, što ću biti, sjena između danas i sutra, sjena između dvije sjenaste vjećnosti. Misao je sjena. Svijet je sjena. Sve, sve je sjena.


Sjena je veća od svijetla, kao moja sjena što je uveče veća od oranice mog djeda. Pšenično i zrno čovjekovo klije u sjeni i gine u sjeni. Život se diže iz sjene, luta u sjeni, iščezava u sjeni.


Mi smo sjene.


Sjeno, dijete noći i dana! Sjenasto jutro i purpurna većeri! Sjeno, čedo tmine i svijetla, blijeda kćeri zagonetke, otvarajući sjetne, nijeme, snene oči, a kroz njih život začuđeno zuri u zagonetnu smrt! Sinoć si mi drhtala na srcu očiju vlažnih od milošte i od sreće. Ja sam te zvao srećom, ljepotom i ženom, ali mjesto meda ostade mi na jeziku pregršt pepela. Ljubavi, i ti si sjena!


Ja sam sjena i volim sjene tihog čemera, što čekaju nove Titane i nova bogomračja.


Te mi sjenaste, maglovite i sive bajke bajaše sinoć sjena, kada je rasla i rasla za starim hrastom na dragoj mjesečini, čekajući rosu i sjenastu pjesmu slavulja u grmu od gloga i šipka. Sve mi te sutonske tajne šaptaše i jutros sjena, šetajući ispod vunastog oblaka preko strništa, milujući gnijezda ševa i goluždravih prepelica i cjelujući drhtave glavice suhog poljskog cvijeća.


Sjeno, mekano uzglavlje svijetla! Sjeno, crna posteljo života! I kad ugasnu planeti, ti ćeš biti carica svijeta.


Ja te volim, Sjeno, čista, tiha boginjo! Digni svoj mekani magloviti, zlatnim tajnama protkani plašt i pokrij mi umorne oči, da ih sklopim i da zagrlim svoju sjenu.


Umorne priče, 1909.





I love the mournful shadow, the dozing light: light which dreams of the night. I love the shadow, twin sister of the warm sun and of the cold moon. I love the shadow, my eternal adopted sister and companion which slumbers beside me, walks near me, my dark picture and my caricature. Yes, I love the shadow, yellow, grey, black; the shadow, sad and silent as death.


All, all is shadow. The world is a shadow. And the sun is a shadow of a mystical sun. And life is the shadow of a mystical life. The shadow is a cradle. The shadow is a grave. Before my existence I was but a shadow. And, when I cease to be, I shall be a shadow. I am the shadow of that which I was and of that which I shall be: a shadow between two eternities of haze. All is shadow.


The shadow is larger than light, as it is greater at evening than the fields of my grandfather. Wheat and grain spring up in the shadow and die in shadow. Life arises from shadow, wanders in the shadow, and disappears into the shadow.


We are shadows.


O, Shadow, child of the day and the night! Shadowy morning and purple evening! Shadow, child of darkness and light, pale daughter of enigma, opening melancholy silent weary eyes, and through them life peers wonderingly into mysterious death! Last night, my love, you were trembling against my breast with the moist eyes of affection and happiness. I named you beauty, happiness, and woman, but there remained a handful of ashes in place of honey. Love, you also are a shadow.


I am a shadow, and I love the quiet still shadows of the affliction which awaits the new Titans and the new twilights of the gods.


The shade told me, the shade which grew larger and larger behind the old oak beneath the moonlight whilst awaiting the dew and the dark song of the nightingale under the shrubbery of the hawthorne and brier rose, such shady, foggy and grey fables. The shade was whispering to me this morning as well, as it walked under the fleecy cloud across the field of stubble, caressing the larks' and the quails' nests, and kissing the quivering tops of the field flowers.


Shadow, thou soft pillow of light: Shadow, thou black bed of life! And when once the planets extinguish, you will remain the empress of life.


I love you, Shadow, pure silent goddess: lift up your soft mantle of fog streaked with golden secrets, and cover my weary eyes, to close them to embrace my shadow.






U tajnom pretincu imam divnu čašu. Bilicum, kada sam veseo, kalež, kada sam žalostan. Od suvoga je zlata. Držak je u obliku neviđenih, božanskih vila i nimfa. Posuda je u formi srca. Na njenom rubu cizelovane su vinjage tačnošću benediktinskog zlatara, a na bokovima, kao na Ahilovom štitu, vidite hrvatski vinograd i grozdiće, a u vinogradu vije se kolo gorskih vila, povotkinja i bahantica, dodola, i kozonogih satira, gajdaša, lakrdijaša i pastira, što se vesele u vinu, svirci, u lakoj ljubavi oko zamišljenog, umornog i kao procvjetali trs čarobnog mladića: oko Bakhosa Oslobodioca.


Samo u odabranim časovima posežem za misterijskom tom kupom, na kojoj se među krvavim rubinima, bolnim smaragdima i biserovima kao suze blista riječ Hrvatska. U takvim časovima se moja čaša puni demonskim vinom, u zamrznuta prsa ulazi toplina veledušnosti, a na nenaviklo oko dolazi suza mladosti, suza samilosti, tvoja suza, zaljubljena Psiho, i tvoja suza, Božji Sine iz Nazareta, rođen "med oslom i volom", kako ćemo sutra pjevati.


Sutra će se i moja čarobna čaša napuniti pićem novog života. A popit ću je u znaku Kristove ljubavi, praštajući sve uvrede, zapjevavši kao obično:


Prvu čašu za Horvate,

Da se slože i pobrate!


A čaša, čarobnica čaša, rast će, rasti i rasti, dok ne naraste kao golem zlatan bassin, pun purpura, a u crveno večernje kupanje će ući sve moje drage s čaše figure, bogovi, boginje, vile, pastiri, satiri, svirači i gajdaši, ćekajući u igri, svirci i dokolici, da nas čarobnik san pokrije mekoćom crnog svog baršuna i prospe u našu čašu sreće sjajnu magiju svojih- zvijezda: zvijezde Gašpara, Melhiora i Baltazara.





I my secret drawer I have a marvelous glass. A welcome-cup when I am merry, a chalice when I am mournful. It is crafted of pure gold. Its handle is in the form of unseen godlike fairies and nymphs. The vessel itself is shaped like a heart. On its rim, finely chisselled with the exactness of a Benedictine goldsmith, are vines, while on its sides as on Achilles' shield, one can see the Croatian vineyard and the small racemes; in the vineyard, the fairies the bachantes, the dodolas*, the jesters and the shepherds all dance the kolo * * and take pleasure in wine, music, in the love of good times, around the musing, tired and magic youth who is like the grapevine in flower: Bacchus, the Liberator.


Only in certain moments do I reach out for this mysterious cup, on which, among the blood-red rubies, pain-filled emeralds, and pearls the word glitters--Croatia. In such moments my soul wells up with demonly wine, while into my chest enters a warmth of generosity, and in my eye, not accustomed to that, appear the tear of youth, the tear of prayer, the tear of pity, your tear, enamored Psyche, and also your tear, God's Son of Nazareth, born between the donkey and the ox, as tomorrow we shall sing it.


Tomorrow, too my magic cup shall be filled with the potion of the new life. And I shall drink it as a symbol of the love of Christ, forgiving all offenses, and singing as is traditional:


The first glass for the Croatians,

For their concord and brotherhood.


And the cup--the enchantress cup--will grow, grow until it becomes a huge basin filled with purple: — and in the evening sunset I shall bathe all of my precious cup's figures, gods, godesses, fairies, shepherds, musicians and pipers, awaiting in the game, music, and laughter for magic sleep to wrap us in velvet and spill into our cup of happiness the glaring magic of his stars: the stars of Caspar, Melchior, and Balthazar.


* A gril in a rainmaking group who invokes the rain with her song (Croatian folklore).

* A Croatian folk wheel-dance, or reel.




TIN UJEVIĆ* 1891-1955


Considered by many the greatest Croatian poet of the 20th Century. Essayist and translator, Ujević also distinguished himself as an author of prose poems.


His books of prose poems are: SABRANA DJELA [Collected Works], (vol. 5 & 15, 1965, 1966), MAMURLUCI I POBJEŠNJELA KRAVA [Hangovers and Enraged Cow], 1956, MUDRE I LUDE DJEVICE [The Wise and Foolish Virgins], 1957.






Moj život! Ne govorite mi o njemu kako je jadan, kukavan, neispavan, sav pogažen i pogružen, dostojan stida i prezira. Kada bih još uvijek znao grčki — vidite li, i to sam zaboravio! — naveo bih za naslovni list tragedije moga života onaj koji počinje: Io, io, papapai, dakle: jao,jao, kuku meni. Kako bi samo lijepo bilo slobodno stupati po poljima, trčati, plivati, veseliti se bez zapreke! Ali od svega toga ništa. Koliko sam puta pomislio o sretnome danu kada mi poderane cipele ne će ranjavati nogu, kada ću imati na sebi sasvim isto rublje, kada u džepovima ne ću morati da vucarim sve nekakve otrcane knjižice i masne bilješke. Kako bih se napokon osjetio blaženim veslajući po jezercima zaokruženim baršunastim gajevima! Nego život me evo tako spleo, uništio, satrô, nije mi dao nikakve slobode ni ljubavi, i sapeo me kao kliještima među dva prokleta kukavna epigrama. Koliko sada vidim kako smo lično nemoćni (pred Augijasovim štalama) mi mali pjesnici i sanjari, i kako smo osuđeni da budemo igračkom vjetrova i žrtvom svih moćnih i lukavih. Sto ima lijepa da se sačuva od moje uspomene? — Samo moje suze i moje molitve, jer su barem one bile čiste. Ali je na tijelo i na dušu teško, po onoj riječi, pogledati bez pečali i gadenja. Jer sve evo biva rana, modrica, čir, stigma, gnoj i brazgotina.


Jao, jao, jao.







My life! Do not remind me that it is miserable, wretched, drowsy, entirely downtrodden and depressed, worth of but shame and scorn. If I still could remember Greek — you see, that too — I forgot! — I should indicate as the title page of the tragedy of my life a page which begins Io, Io, papapai, which is Alas, alas, woe is me. How lovely it would be just to march about over the fields, to run, swim, to be merry, to rejoice with no restriction. How many times I dream of the happy days when my torn shoes will not keep injuring my foot, when I shall wear entirely fresh-laundered underwear, when I will not have to scuff around the small ragged books and the greasy notes. How overjoyed, after all, I would feel paddling on the little lakes surrounded by the velvety groves! But life has so knitted, destroyed, devastated, and drew me tight as if with pliers between two damned trifling epigrams. How clearly I now see that personally we are powerless (before the Augean stables) we little poets and dreamers, and how we are condemned to be the toy of the winds and the victim of those who are powerful and astute. What is so beautiful about my memory to be preserved? — Only my tears and my prayers, because they have been pure. But, according to the saying it is hard to look at the body and at the soul without disgust and mourning, because everything becomes a wound, a boil, a stigma, a festering sore, a scar.


Alas, alas, alas.


* For further bio-bibliographical information on Ujević, see A. Nizeteo's essay, "Whitman in Croatia: Tin Ujević and Walt Whitman", Journal of Croatian Studies, XI-XII (1970-1971), p. 105-161. See also Tin Ujević "Libraries" in Journal of Croatian Studies, XIV-XV (1973-1974), p. 113-126.






Tko ima hrabosti još danas, da kaže: morat ćete se kajati, kada doznate, da ste se varali i druge varali, jer ste bili prevareni i radili krivo; morat ćete žaliti svoje riječi i djela kao zazor i sramotu? Danas više nema Savonarole ni Jana Husa. Propao je ugled propovjedničke nauke i isposničkoga pepela. Svejedno, kajat ćete se i bit će vam žao onda, kada doznate i spoznate, dvadeset ili trideset godina kasnije. Pobjede spoznaje polagane su i kasne; za njih je kratak i čitav ljudski život, a u njima je grozno, što obično ne dolaze na vrijeme.


Jer ima pozne mudrosti, krvave osvete vremena, kada čovjek providi svoju šupljinu i svoje bivše neznanje. Treba čekati deset i dvadeset i daleko više godina, da se uzmogne kazati: Bili smo u zabludi. Nas su prevarili. Ta će daleka mudrost stići jednoga dana, da nas kazni prije same smrti za čitav jedan život zabluda i propusta.


Ima kasnih spoznaja, kada su gole riječi moćne bez nakita, i kada se sni proziru, će se prozrijeti. Koji poživimo, doći ćemo k njima. One će doći k nama. Ja ih ne pozivam, jer su kasne, i zato žalosne. Ja bih želio ranijih, boljih spoznaja, otkrića o podlozi stvari, dok još sat nije minuo, dok je na vrijeme. Ja vas opominjem.


Ne pozivam se ni na kakvo pokajanje, ali ura ispaštanja putem istine će doći, mora doći. Kao pjesnik, koji je upozorio svoju draganu: "Jedne večeri, kada ostarite, uz svijeću ..." Ura istine i kazne će doći. Sve će biti golo, sve će biti jasno, ali kasno.


Bit će kasno. I za mnoge utjehe i revanše, kojo ćemo dobiti (mi rijetki, jedini, izabrani), ja se ne veselim, jer će doći kasno. Stariji naraštaj i potomstvo moći će opet da beskorisno i sasvim u tutanj kažu: Bio je jedan glas, jedan čovjek, koji je na vrijeme govorio istinu, ali ga nisu slušali.


Za bivše načinjene nepravde, za ispade iz vremena nezrelosti mnoge će vikače i istupnike prikoriti, kao glas savjesti, razboritije sjećanje na naša prošla vremena i sat kasnih spoznaja, kada večernje sunce neumitnih jeseni na izmaku obasja zlatni vinograd i bakarne lugove.





Who is yet courageous and today will say: you will need to repent when you discover that you have deceived yourself and others because you were deceived and you had done wrong; you will have to regret your words and deeds as an abomination and shame? There no longer exists either a Savonarola or a John Huss today. The respectability of the science of preaching and of the ascetic ashes came to naught. Nevertheless, you shall have to repent and will continue to regret at the time when you learn and become aware of it twenty or thirty years hence. The victories of comprehension are slow and belated; and entire human life is brief and, concerning them, terrible is the fact that these realizations never come in time.


Because there exists a late wisdom, the bloody vengeance of time, when one sees through his own hollowness and his former ignorance. One must wait ten, twenty, and more years in order to be able to say: We were mistaken. We were deceived. That distant wisdom will reach us one day, before our death, to punish us for a life fraught with errors and failures.


There are the late realizations when plain words, unornamented, are powerful, and when one can see his dreams and through them himself. Those among us who survive will come to these comprehensions. They shall come to us. I do not invite them, for they are belated, and therefore sad. I would like to arrive at some earlier discoveries, comprehensions about the essence of things before the hour passes and while there is yet time. I warn you.


I refer not to any repentance, but the hour of atonement through truth will come; it must come. As the poet who cautioned his sweetheart: "One evening when you will be old, sitting close to the candle ..." the hour of truth and punishment will arrive. All will be naked, all will be obvious, but late.


It will be late. And I will not rejoice in the many consolations and revenges which we will get (a few of us, the only, the chosen ones) because it will be too late. The older generation and posterity might, uselessly, and quite in vain, say: There was a voice, a man, who at the proper time spoke the truth, but none listened to him.


Many noisemakers and offenders responsible for past injustices, for the excesses of times of immaturity shall be rebuked by the voice of conscience, by a more reasonable remembrance of times past and the hour of late comprehension — when the setting evening sun of inexorable autumns illumines the golden vineyard and the groves of copper.





This most prolific and voluminous Croatian author tried his skill in all literary genres with undiminished success.


His more significant volumes of poetry are: PAN (1917), TRI SIMFONIJE [Three Symphonies] 1918, PJESME [Poems] 1918, L1RIKA (1919), KNJIGA PJESAMA [Book of Poems] 1931, KNJIGA LIRIKE [Book of Lyric Poems] 1932, SIMFONIJE (1933), BALADE PETRICE KEREMPUHA (1936) and PJESME U TMINI [Poems in the Darkness] 1937.





Događa se to u jesenjoj noći, kada pada kestenje po asfaltu i kada se čuju psi u daljini, i kada se tako neopisivo javija čežnja za nekim, tko bi bio dobar, naš, bliz, intiman, drug, i kome bi mogli da pišemo. Ispovjedili bismo mu sve što leži na nama. Pismo bi mu pisali, a njega nema.





This occurs in the autumnal night when chestnuts are falling upon the asphalt pavement and when one hears the dogs barking from afar and one feels, irresistibly, a longing for someone who would be kind, our own most intimate companion to whom we could write a letter. We would reveal to him all that oppresses us. We would to write him a letter, but he does not exist.





Nemir je u čovjeku. Glasovi. Događaji. Boje. Dolaze pojave i prolaze kroz čovjeka u velikom gibanju, bruje zbivanja kao zvonjava. Covjek je uznemiren trajno. I postoji duboko negdje u nama slika, zakopana, potopljena, kao ikona srebrom okovana, u zdencu. Ta slika tiha je kao svitanje na moru, kada je sve sivo i kada se ne čuje ništa nego gdje-gdje klokotanje vode. To je vrijeme šutnje, kada se čovjek pere od nemira i roni u tišinu.





In Man there is disquietude. Voices. Occurrences. Colors. Through the Human, events are coming and going in a large motion; occurrences drone like the tolling of bells. Man is continually restless. Somewhere deep within ourselves a picture exists, buried, sunken as a silver-plated icon in a well. This picture is serene as the morning twilight at sea when all is grey and when one hears nothing else but the gurgling of water to and fro. This is the time of silence when Man wishes to rid himself of anxiety and submerges into the stillness.




Veče je. Gori svjetiljka na stolu zasjenjena, otkucava sat, parketi sjaju i porculan po vitrinama. Osjeta se u zatvorenoj sobi gibanje među predmetima. Jedna muha zuji i u širokim talasima razlijeva sjećanje na sunčane, podnevne proplanke, sa kojih su pucali veliki izgledi. To je hip večernji, kada se javlja misao na mrtve. Oni su pred nama u ovoj sobi živjeli, disali, očekivali događaje, a danas ih nema. Za ove iste kvake su hvatali, a ovi isti parketi škriputali su pod njinom težinom, a danas im lica gasnu po fotografijama. Ako su gdjegod ostavili znakove olovkom na papirima, ti znaci blijede i gasnu. Sve nestaje. U crnoj svili pokopali smo ih i ono je sve blato, a ovdje stoje sobe po kojima gnjiju mozgovi u polutmini i tupa se težnja ishlapljuje iz mozgova, kao vonj kiseline iz nepoklopljene zdjele. I ove te se možđane zdjele rasplinuti i ishlapiti kao dim i kao ova žalosna misao na mrtve što se javlja i nestaje. Nitko nema suviše razloga da se raduje.





It is evening. The shaded lamp is flickering on the table, the clock continues to tick, the parquet shines, and the sets of china glisten in the china cabinets. In the closed room one feels the motion of the objects, a fly buzz and in expansive waves pours forth the memory of sunny midday glades from which great vistas were spreading. This is the evening moment when the thought of the Dead appears. They had dwelt in this room before us, here they breathed, anticipated daily events — and today they are no longer here. They had grasped these same door knobs, these same parquets creaked beneath the weight of their bodies, and today their faces are fading from their photographs. If somewhere they marked some signs with pencil upon paper, these signs, too, are fading. Everything vanishes. We buried them in black silk cloth, which has turned to dirt, while here within these rooms in which the brains decay in the semi-darkness, and from these brains a dull longing evaporate like smoke and like this sad memory of the dead, which appears and then vanishes. No one has too much reason to be happy.





born 1910


Poet, essayist, translator, anthologist and collector of Croatian folk literature, Delorko is a master of the poetical form of Croatian verse.


His books of poetry are: PJESME (Poems) 1934, RASTUŽENA EUTERPA [The Mournful Euterpe] 1937, RAZDRAGRANI VODOSKOCI [Animated Fountains] 1940, UZNOSITE SLUTNJE [Exalted Forebodings] 1944, IZGARANJA [Burning Down] 1958, SVIJETLI i TAMNI SATI [Light and Dark Hours] 1961, LIRSKI EDEN [Lyric Eden] 1965, and DOLAZE OBLACI [The Clouds Approach] 1978. His poetical prose was published in 1942 under the title ZGODE POREMECENE SREĆE [Occasions of Disturbed Happiness].


* See also Journal of Croatian Studies, vol. XX (1979) pp. 68-71.





ČUDNOVATO DJELUJE, kada se prvi put vidi znameniti grad, o kome smo mnogo čitali i za koji smo mnogo čuli. Idući kroza nj moramo se svaki čas sukobljavati s realnošću. Palača ili trg opisan u knjizi, ili viđen na slici, ušao je u našu dušu i izijenio se. Mi smo ga vidjeli, kako smo htjeli: zračna, prostrana, raskošna. Ali našavši se stvarno na tom trgu ili pred tom palačom, opažamo, da ona izgleda drugačije, da je manje lijepa, nego nam ju je dočaravala bogata mašta.


Mnogi putnici to ne mogu odmah razumjeti, pa okrivljuju druge za to razočaranje, ako su grublje duševne grade. Nježniji medu njima lutaju šutljivi, žalosna srca otkrivajući tek kasnije tome uzrok. Gle, to je onaj grad — kažu oni i teško im je, kao da su nešto dragocjeno izgubili.


Ali posilije, kada stvarna slika grada snagom realnosti sve više potiskuje onu maštovitu, nestalnu, njihov duh počinje da se vedri: oni vide, da moraju svoju sliku ukopati zauvijek u sebi, prepuštajući ovoj novoj, pravoj, njeno mjesto.


PONEKAD ME NAGLO zapljusnu uspomene. I ja, koji se često korim zbog svoje zaboravljivosti, ledene i suhe, koja sve što se nekad dogodilo drži duboko u sebi zakopano, sav se prenesem u prošlost. Vidim lica, koja je vrijeme davno u uspomenama izbrisalo, dogadaje, koji se teško otkidaju iz mutnih sjećanja, kako najednom žive u mome duhu. I gle, nenadano neka ruža videna bogzna u kakvom vrtu opet miriše svojim starim mirisom.


Ali poslije tih rijetkih trenutaka nadodu dugi dani, koji me dijele čvrstom ogradom zaborava od moje prošlosti. Pa živim lak, otkinut od svega, 'što je bilo, pun neke djetinje bezbrige, koju vitlaju događaji besciljno, kao proljetni vjetrovi oblake.





IT IS A STRANGE FEELING when for the first time we see a well-known city about which we had previously read or heard a great deal. Passing through it, we are forced to confront reality. The palace or the square, described in a book or seen in a picture, entered our soul and therein transformed itself. We were looking at it as we wanted to see it: airy, spacious, gorgeous. But when we stood in the flesh before that palace or in that square, we noticed that it appeared differently now, that it wasn't as beautiful as once depicted by our rich imagination.


Many travellers are unable to understand all of that immediately, and, if they are formed from a more rude spiritual structure they blame others for their disappointment. The more gentle among them wander silently with saddened heart discovering only later the cause of it. Look! This is that city, they say, and they feel sorrowful, as if they had lost something precious.


Nonetheless, when later the true image of the city by virtue of its reality pushes aside the imaginary and unfaithful one, their minds begin to clear: they realize that they must bury forever their image within themselves, relinquishing its place to this new, true one.


REMINISCENCES SOMETIMES SUDDENLY overcome me. And I, who blame myself for my own forgetfulness, cool and dry, holding deep within myself everything that once happened, start to imagine myself completely in the past. I see faces which long ago time had erased from my memory; I see events which emerge with difficulty from my recollection, as they now suddenly revive in my mind. And look! a rose, seen a long time ago in some already forgotten garden is again unexpectedly fragrant with its old perfume.


But following these rare moments there come again endless days which separate me from my past as if by a strong fence. Then I continue to exist at ease, detached from all that was my past, filled with some child-like lightheartedness which events toss aimlessly, as clouds by the winds of spring.





born 1928


One of the most remarkable representatives of contemporary Croatian poetry. He published, from 1954-1977, 13 books of poems, including a collection of prose poems, PUT U NEPOSTOJANJE [Journey into Nonexistence] 1956. Matica Hrvatska printed in its series Pet stoljeća hrvatske književnosti Mihalić's IZABRANE PJESME [Selected Poems] 1980; his latest publication is TIHE LOMAČE [Quiet Pyres] 1985.







Mislim da će ipak biti najbolje ako ogrnem svoj tamnoplavi plašt, ako odem u pohode vukovima.

Već tri noći urlaju pod mojim prozorima ...

Već tri noći kese zube na svijetla u mojoj sobi ...

I ogrnuh svoj tamno-plavi plašt, i otidoh u pohode vukovima.

A kad me vidješe, kako dolazim sa stisnutim pesnicama, pobjegoše glavom bez obzira.





Visiting the Wolves


I still think it would be best if I don my dark blue mantle and go to pay a visit on the wolves.

For three nights now they have howled beneath my windows ...

Already for three nights they have bared their green teeth before the lights of my window.

And I donned my dark blue mantle and went to visit the wolves.

But when they saw me coming with clenched fists they fled head over heels in utter confusion.




Danas je bio najlepši dan moje ljubavi.

Šetali smo zagrljeni, a ona nije bila uza me.

Ljubio sam joj usnice, a nisam je ni dotakao.

Sada mi ostaje da ovu beskrajnu sreću zasladim s malo samoće.





Today was the most beautiful day of my love.

We walked embracing, yet she wasn't beside me.

I kissed her lips, yet I didn't touch her.

There is nothing left for me but to sweeten this happiness with a bit of solitude.



* See also the Journal of Croatian Studies, vol. XX (1979), pp. 84-88.