Vjekoslav Zugaj
44. Father Julije Jančula, Franciscans in Cernik, Slavonska Požega 1980, page 186. Valuable information on the history of the Franciscan monastery in Stara Gradiška was provided by the manager of the Croatian archives of the Franciscan province St. Ciril and Metod in Zagreb, Father Vatroslav Frkin. Thank to his help I could use a part of the manuscripts kept in the box 101 denominated as "Letters from the monastery of Stara Gradiška..."

45. Cuvaj, page 262. When researching the beginnings of the Jesuit grammar school in Slavonska Požega, A. Cuvaj studied the Annual Report of the grammar school in Požega of 1853.

46. "Liber momorabilium parochie Vetero Gradiscanae" - Prof. Husref Iidžialagić, who worked in Stara Gradiška prison until the beginning of the war in 1991, helped me to obtain a copy of the Chronicle translated from Latin to Croatian by Mirko Oražem from Ljubljana.

47. Franjo Tičak, Kratka povjest o razvitku pučkog školstva u HrvatskoSlavonskoj Krajini (Short History of the Development of the Elementary School System on the Croatia-Slavonia Border), Zagreb 1880, page 7-11 .

48. The questeonnaire on school development in Stara Gradiška was drawn up based on data from the school chronicle of Stara Gradiška. This questionnaire is kept in the Croatian School Museum in Zagreb and was drawn up by the headmaster of that time, Petar Slavujac, on 25 May 1965. In gathering the data related to the beginning of schooling in Stara Gradiška I was largely assisted by the headmaster, Prof. Ivan Vavra, and other experts - employees of the Croatian School Museum in Zagreb.

49. Hadžialagić wrote about the school system in Stara Gradiška in the nineteenth century in the newspapers of Nova Gradiška, "Novogradiške novine" in several installments. (Novogradiške novine, "About Schooling in the nineteenth century" (3), page 14).

50. Ćelap, page 29.

51. Cuvaj, Grada za povjest školstva III (Material for the History of Schooling III), Zagreb 1909, page 513.

52. Imcumentation of the Croatian School Museum - Zagreb, statistical data gathered by the headmaster and teacher, Stjepan Durum, on 18 May 1940.

53. During April 1996 I visited these localities several times, together with Šimun Penav, the head of the Department for Data Gathering of HIC - Zagreb. We made interesting records of the statements given by the inhabitants of Stara Gradiška and the surrounding villages. We woul.d like to thank the Mayor of Stara Gradiška, Ivo Kičić, as well as Josip Gagulić, Ivo Margaletić and Mijo Matokanović for their help.

54. "Novogradiški glasnik" (the newspaper of Nova Gradiška), Issue No. 11, 1 November 1991.

55. For the history and sufferings of the Jewish community in the Gradiška area, see the manuscript by V. Žugaj: "Razvoj... 1941 . godine" (The Development of religions communities in Cernik and Nova Gradiška from 1 804-1941). The manuscript is housed in the Jewish archives in Zagreb.

56. The first reconstruction of these events was written by Duro Perica, the spokesman for the Association of Croatian Political Prisoners (HDPZ), in a specialised magazine dealing with problems of former political prisoners. This study was published in the publication of the HDPZ, Issue No. 39, February 1995. At the same time, these data were presented at the Fourth International Congress of Political Prisoners and Victims of Communism in Budapest held on 21 st/22nd January 1995.

57. D. Perica, "Political Prisoner" 39, page 7.

58. This leaflet was displayed in the National Museum of Nova Gradiška.

59. The Military Courts Acts was issued on 24th May 1945 and signed by Josip Broz Tito. A facsimile of the document is stored in the archive of the Zagreb Branch of the Association of Croatian Political Prisoners (HDPZ). Thanks to Cico Maglić I was able to use the material from this branch. I talked to members of the HDPZ branch several times and they helped me to reconstruct life in Stara Gradiška between 1945 and 1960. I talked to Msgr. Nikola Soldo in the home for retired priests in Zagreb, Kaptol 8, and made records of his memories from the prison in Stara Gradiška. An additional source of information was the interview with N. Soldo published in the magazine "Mi - list mladih" (We - the Magazine of the Young), Issue No, 7/8 1992.

60. The prison newspapers "Prosvjetnik" (Educator), was found by Mr. Vladimir Hammer, the editor-in-chief of Nova Gradiška radio station. Mr. Hammer published many studies related to this topic in several public and specialised magazines.

61. The HDPZ publication "Politički zatvorenik" (Political Prisoner), No. 24/25, page 7/8. Manuscripts stored in Zagreb Association of HDPZ were used.

62. The HDPZ publication "Politički zatvorenik" (Political Prisoner), No. 38.

63. Soldo, "Mi - list mladih" (We - the Magazine of the Young), No. 7/8,

64. I obtained parts of the manuscript written by J. Dugandžić thanks to the help of Mr. Naglić.

65. This exchange happened right before Christmas 1991. Thanks to the understanding of the officer of the Croatian army and one of the first volunteers in the Nova Gradiška district, Mate Modrić, I was allowed to film the whole procedure of the exchange of prisoners from Stara Gradiška. All documentation and statements of the prisoners are stored in the Department for Collecting Documentation on the War for Independence. Gathering valuable documentation on the War for Independence was initiated by Mr. Ante Beljo, the manager of the Croatian Information Centre in Zagreb.


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